Course Summary
To provide Emergency First Aiders with the knowledge & skills to summon help & give safe, prompt & effective emergency first aid to a casualty in the workplace following an injury or illness using materials to hand and/or HSE approved first aid equipment. it will also provide the confidence and knowledge to use an AED confidently and accurately.
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
On completion of training, successful candidates should be able to:
All first-aid training certificates, whether FAW, EFAW or some other appropriate training, are valid for three years. Employers need to arrange retraining before certificates expire. The FAW requalification course lasts two days. If the first-aider does not retrain or requalify before the expiry date on their current certificate they are no longer considered competent to act as a first-aider in the workplace. They can requalify at any time after the expiry date by undertaking the two-day requalification course.An EFAW requalification course should be of the same duration and content as the initial EFAW course.
HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training during any three-year FAW/EFAW certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up-to-date with any changes to first-aid procedures. HSE does not specify the design of these courses.
Employers should also encourage first-aiders to regularly review their course manual and any other instructional materials and allocate them time to do this. It will further help to maintain their first-aid skills.
Employers should keep a record of first-aiders and certification dates to help with the timely arrangement of further training.